Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's cold as Hell. If Hell were Siberia.

Hey guys!

It's ice-fucking cold today! But you know what! The sun was out and shining and blue skies were amazing! Despite the fact that it felt like I was going to die of hypothermia in the shade. I better get used to it!!!!

Today we went to the Anti-Prorogue protest downtown! It was pretty awesome. There was a lot of chanting in French that I couldn't really follow along with, but the Raging Grannies were there, singing little Fuck You Harper! folk songs in French! It was endearing and hilarious at the same time.

This week in Montreal, I thought I would mention places that are hilarious, but I haven't been in. Such as!

The Elvis Place - I don't remember what this place is called, but it's a used appliance store. It had lots and lots of blinky red light bulbs and strobes and flashy lights and giant cardboard cut outs of Elvis Presley everywhere. Think "KRAZY BOB'S KRAZY DISCOUNT APPLIANCE EMPORIUM!!!!!!!" except with more Elvis. A lot more.

La Poissionarrie - The fish place. I don't know what it does. It's beside a thrift store. It looks like a run down call center or terrible office thing. They apparently sell fish. It smells like a million fish rotting =/

Au Coq - Hahaha. Cock.

SEX MANIA - It's below a normal apartment. There's a GIANT orange neon sign attached to the apartment. All it says is SEX MANIA.

Doggy Style - It's a pet grooming place. HURF!

Attempts to explore the underground city have been currently disappointing, as we went really late in the day and didn't have enough time to get beyond the giant mall part of it. Next time!

Also, found bubble tea, haven't tried yet. Found BBQ duck. Most excellent!

Found Korean food, but it was disappointing. Then again, I always find Korean food disappointing. I always hope that it will be good, but it never is...oh well.

I still need to find some post cards, I always forget when I go out...but soon!


  1. damnnnnn i can't get into Korean food, no matter what. I love the little side dishes though - that's about it.


  2. The side dishes are okay, and that's about all I can say. I like the potato things. haha.

    I'm going to go buy some tomorrow!!
